Day IV-Video Tools & Digital identity

Today our awesome teacher showed us some video tools and also wa had a little talk with Maha Bali.

Video editing could be very money consuming due to its requirement for large hard-disk storage, high computer performance and expensive video editing software. Because of all of these, it makes nearly impossible for end users like us (or me at least) to afford the fun of video editing. Some of video tools that I find very useful are:


Movie Masher

Editor One


Some of these video tools are extremely great beacause it is not necessary to download them, these are online tools, which help us save some space on our computers.


About the digital identity, Maha Bali told us some really interesting things, for example, nowadays more and more people are having access to the internet, years ago. our data was safer because there were fewer people. The people who has access to the internet nowadays are highly exposed, these users may also project more than one digital identity through multiple communities. In terms of digital identity management, key areas of concern are security and privacy.

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